Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web....
which I am creating to remind me of interesting arty events and works I come across in small ways and bigger ways on my travels. It's now August, and it's been an interesting and very fast year..I want to go backwards , before I go forwards , and remember some of the artystuff I was involved in this year, 2011.
In January, I started working on a big "clean up" and "do up" job in a room in Ranelagh Arts centre, making it good for working in as a studio space. It took me weeks of clearing, lifting, dumping, sorting, dusting, painting, nailing , glueing, buying and more, to make it ready to move my things into, but it was so worth it , because now at last, I have my own studio space.
It's one good feeling to be able to walk in to a work space, and everything is just as it was when I left it.
I started working on a hubcap as a metal surface for an artpiece..it was a worldwide project , http://www.landfillart.org/ , I had been invited to participate in, whereby up to 1,041 artists from around the world had volunteered to reclaim an old disused hubcap, and make a piece of Fine Art from it. It didn't take me long to decide I would be working using torn, white, papers, to make a paper sculpture on it ..I had already been enjoying making paper images and sculptures from recycled papers. AND any proceeds from any of the completed hubcap pieces will go towards reforestation ..and that's close to my heart !!
I called it " Time to Fly", and there is a great gallery of metal canvases to look at on the site.
Here is another image of it,
I enjoyed sending it off across the Atlantic to Pennsylvania..Thank You to Ken Marquis for his vision and hard work in creating this project.